Saturday 14 March 2015

How to avoid stress and stay healthy in 4 easy steps!

Recently I have been trying out a different approach to being healthy. Yes I am quite often inspired by movies, this post is no different. But no, it's not Cindy Crawford's buns of steel.  

In this article by Rosalind Davis, she talks about links between social, bodily, mental and environmental influences on an individuals wellbeing. She mostly relates these to stress factors and the influence of stress on your health.

I think that everyone gets stressed, but it's definitely different for everyone. For me, I have my final university deadlines in the coming weeks, so I have stress from anticipation and worry. 

Body; don't suddenly introduce a diet, do the more and less rule...

 - Increase veg intake in 2 of 3 meals a day, 
 - Eat less sugary snacks, 
 - Drink more water.

Social; it doesn't have to be a fitness instructor, do something that you enjoy with people good for you...

 - Go to gym trial with Daisy,
 - House night out.

Mind; something that prevents you from keeping everything cooped in your head...

 - Make list of all assignments,
 - Write deadlines on calendar.

Environment; affects stress levels, try and keep your environment a controlled place that you don't need to worry about...

 - Tidy room, 
 - Wash clothes.

I hope that you liked this little post, leave any comments, I reply to all of them!

Ciao, Lauren.
© Longing For A City
Maira Gall