Tuesday 28 October 2014

Top Ten: YouTubers

  1. Arden Rose, One of my all time absolute favourite YouTubers has got to be Miss "Arden in the garden, Arden Rose garden hose" (Please please tweet me or comment if you get that reference!) This lovely lady has spread out from the generic beauty guru into a hilarious bundle of YouTube joy!
  2. Hello Katy, She and I, we're the same person... apart from she is cooler.
  3. Caspar Lee, nothing needs to be said.
  4. Joe sugg, the perfect sibling of the wonderful Zoe Sugg. He makes the most hilarious videos, if youve not seen it  then go and watch his pranks on Caspar!
  5. Meghan Rosette, the gorgeous bubbly style and beauty guru that introduced me to this sad sad addiction.
  6. Troye Sivan, I'm certain that most of you don't need an introduction to this boys happy little pill.
  7. Dani Austin, a lovely spark of Texan sunshine.
  8. Landon Austin, yep, related and surprisingly also from Texas! Music videos galore, lots of well known covers and he lets YouTubers use his songs for their videos!
  9. Alexa Losley, the American - turned Londonder that is full of sarcastic wisdom.
  10. Kacey Laine, one of the most adorable YouTubers I have ever watched. A southern girl that is best friends with Dani and whos videos introduced me to all things country music.
For flawless makeup tutorials, I always go to Jackie Wyers! She Does the best makeup look-a-like videos I have seen and contours like a boss.

I hope that this has given you all some fresh material.

Ciao, Lauren
© Longing For A City
Maira Gall